Friday, August 30, 2019

Amazon Rain Forest Wildfires

In Room1 we were making a google drawing about the facts we found about Amazon Rainforest wildfires.
I found it easy to make the google drawing.
I wasn't sure what facts to use.

Maths quiz

In Room1 for cybersmart we were making a maths quiz.
I found it easy to find all of the images and gifs.
I found it hard to make every slide how I wanted them to be.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Bee animation

In Room1 we made a animation about bees.
I found it easy to find the pictures and back rounds.
I found it hard to make everything look the exact same.
keep clicking the right hand arrow to make it look like an animation.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Caged chickens should be baned.

In Room1 we were writing about wy caged chickens should be baned.
I found it easy to write the speech.
I found it hard to find the rite facts.

Caged chickens should be banned.

Would you want to be a caged chicken?
I firmly believe that caged chickens should be banned.

My first main reason is that these chickens are squished. 82 percent of laying hens are caged.In one shed 45 thousand chickens are caged.Each chicken has the space of an A4 piece of paper.

My second main reason is that they can't act natural.A hen can't scratch for food and cant perch.A hen can't have a dust bath flap her wings or stretch her legs.They get aggressive when another hen gets in there way so they peck each other and kill each other.

My third main reason is they get disease.They get osteoporosis and fatty liver disease.They get recites and don't get any vitamin D.

That's wy you should let your chickens be free range.

My three reasons are they get squished cant act natural and they get disease.
by Cole    20.8.19

Friday, August 16, 2019


In Room1 we were making a google drawing about interdependence and what animals rely on each other.
I enjoyed making the google drawing.
I found it hard to put my screencastify on my blog.
My digital learning object shows I can use google drawing to explain interdependence.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Tom Fedro

In Room1 we were panting a picture that was once painted by Tom Fedro.

Tom Fedro
Tom Fedro is an abstract artist from Chicago where he attended the illness Institute of art. Since childhood drawing & painting where are  always his hobbies. he was fascinated with portraits of woman in a pop art College style featuring blood colours and lines.        

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Mary Mackillop

In Room1 we went to church to celebrate Saint Mary Mackillops feast day.

Saint Mary MacKillop.
Who is Mary MacKillop?
Mary MacKillop was an Australian nun who has been declared a saint by the Catholic Church as St Mary of the Cross.
What did Mary MacKillop do? 
Mary's first job was as a clerk when she was 14 then she worked as a governess looking after her cousins and teaching them their lessons.

How did she become a Saint?
 In june 1995 Mary Mackillop was beatified by Pope John Paul ll. In February 2010 an Australian woman who had terminal cancer she called upon Mary MacKillop in prayer and her cancer disappeared. 

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Removing backround

In Room1 we have been learning how to remove backgrounds.
I found it tricky to make me look like I was siting in the go kart.
I found it easy to change backgrounds and find images.