Thursday, August 27, 2020

Goblin shark

Goblin shark is part of the mitsukurinidae family. They are known as deep sea meat eating monster when they are actually harmless. Their teeth are made for grabbing. Predators to them are other sharks but manly blue sharks.

Goblin sharks have soft, flabby and blade-like bodies. They have a long snout that looks like a piece of pallet wood. Goblin sharks are 3.8 meters long and can live up to 30-35 years. They have a bright blue color on the edge of their fin and have extremely sharp teeth.

The goblin shark lives in open oceans from near the surface to depths of at least 1300 meters deep. Scientists have said that goblin sharks only come near to shore at night but mostly stay in the deep water. They live in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans and because the goblin shark lives so deep they have to eat other sharks and rays as well as crustaceans.

Goblin sharks use electro body organs to sense their food. Their mouth propales out then grabs their fish and swallows it whole. Just like other animals the goblin shark protects itself by camouflage. I think that goblin sharks are hideous creatures and that’s what makes them interesting to me. 

Written by Cole


Weta are part of the grasshopper family. They are the heaviest insect in New Zealand.Wetas are very heavy insects they weigh as much as a small bird.

They have two main eyes that have lots of small dots inside of them. They weigh up to 70 grams. They have very good camo they can blend in with anything.

Wetas were found in New Zealand and lots of them have died. They have been kept in New Zealand zoos so they can keep safe. Some wetas have been brought to plenty of islands were they can hide eat and drink water.

Wetas do massive poos that help the environment. When wetas loose antennas they grow new ones. Female wetas lay 6 eggs at once they take one month to hatch. Wetas molt 10 times in one and a half years.

These interesting creatures do not deserve to be extinct they deserve to be free. They may be creepy and crawly but they deserve the same respect as we do 

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Collage art

 In my class we were making collage dog and cat art.

I enjoyed making my piece of art.

I found it hard to find lots of colored paper.

Next time I would try to find more colored art.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Photo collage

At my school were are learning how to play rugby. I have improved in my passing and my side stepping. I really enjoyed it because we were learning new skills like side stepping, passing, communicating.

The school have let people come from turanga health come in and teach us. It doesn't just teach us rugby because the way they teach us to throw the ball it helps with other sports. We also learn rugby because it makes us stronger and healthy.

Them coming in and showing us how to play rugby is a pleasure. I really enjoyed learning how to play and its good for our fitness and health.

In my class we also learnt how to make a photo collage so that we don't have a long line of photos down our page. We had to make a background then we inserted photo of our choice. Then we had to crop them and try to fit them in. We also had to figure how to fit them all the photos in.