Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Chines slides

It was chinese language week and we were learning how to say things in chinese.
I enjoyed making my slide.
I found it challenging.
My digital learning shows I can use google Slides.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

RE rap

 In my class we were learning about the sacraments of initiation.

I enjoyed making the rap.

I found it hard to find good music.

My digital learning shows I can use wevideo.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Creature slides

 In my class we were making creature report slides.

 I enjoyed making the slides.

 I found it hard to finish on time.

My digital learning shows I can use google slides.

Screen castify

I was learning how music is good for you because it was my speech.

I enjoyed learning new things.

I found it hard to make the volume work.

My digital learning shows I can use screencastify.

What is cst

In my class we were learning about cst and we had to make a poster about what it is.
I enjoyed making the slide.
I found it hard to answer all the questions.
My digital learning shows I can use google slides.


Monday, September 14, 2020

Is music good for your health

In my class we were learning to write persuasive writing.

I enjoyed writing and performing my speech.

I found it hard to think of 3 good reasons about my speech.

My digital learning shows I can use google docs and use online self assessment.

Is music good for your health ?   

Is music good for your health? I strongly believe that music is fantastic for your mental health because it can reduce anxiety, pain and helps with sadness. Music often can put people in a good mood and if you play an instrument it can be very therapeutic for your mind. I personally don't find anything better than listening or playing music.

Firstly, I strongly agree music is a great thing if you are feeling down. Music played by a piano makes you calm, changes your attitude and is soothing for the mind. Slow music is good for meditating and makes your breathing slow down which then slows down your heart. Music that is upbeat can put you in the groove and make you feel ready for your day. Rock music makes you let loose and go wild . Scientists have said that some music can even help with depression. It reduces muscle pain and it can control your mental health.

Secondly, Without a doubt music is good for you because it can make your brain stronger. Music can restore functions after very bad accidents like crashes. Music fixes the brain. Music can improve movement in patients that have had a stroke or people that have a type of disease. Music does way more than put people in good moods. It is a musical medicine.

Lastly, There is no question that  music can make you smarter. New research says if you regularly play an instrument it can change the shape and power of your brain because it makes you use both sides of your brain. If you play a guitar it can make your fingers very technical and if you play the drums you have to move your hands and feet at the same time to try and make a good beat and that can be very difficult.

In conclusion I have told you 3 reasons why music can help you. I personally think this is why you should play a musical instrument or listen to music more. When I am sad I go and play my guitar and it makes me feel way better.

Address the audience, Rhetorical questions and facts and opinions. 

WALHT: use persuasive techniques (FEARRR) to enhance our writing

Success Criteria:

Self Assessment๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€

I have used my first technique to enhance my writing


I have used my second technique to enhance my writing


I have used my third technique to enhance my writing


Use at least three different (FEARRR) persuasive techniques in your writing.


Active Reflection: 

My Reflection

What have I done well?

I have

Added enuf facts

Next step:

I have 

use hand gestures